- Products >> Nursing Educational Products>> SimPad Plus
SimPad™ Plus
SimPad PLUS is an operating device used to control Laerdal manikins and simulators and can be used with task trainers and standardised patients. It allows instructors, new or experienced, to deliver highly-effective simulation-based training.
With its intuitive touchscreen interface, mobile design, easy-to-operate scenarios and integrated data log, SimPad PLUS will help you achieve learning objectives with greater ease.

Use SimPad Plus to
- Train advanced lifesaving skills in pre-hospital setting.
- Standardize the training of patient handling skills.
- Deliver high quality advanced skills training.
- Improve treatment of compromised newborns.
- Deliver high-quality CPR training.
- Train using clinically accurate skills trainers.
Realistic clinical experience
Enhance clinical realism and challenge critical thinking skills with dynamic monitoring and patient interaction.
The optional touchscreen Laerdal Patient Monitor provides concise clinical feedback and simulates physiological parameters including HR, ECG, SpO2, BP, RR, Temperature, etCO2, and 12 lead.
The included headset and microphone will enable effective two-way communication with the patient, adding ‘life’ to the simulation.
Key features of the SimPad PLUS
- Mobililty
- Quick set up time
- Intuitive touchscreen interface
- Control of patient vital signs and physiological parameters
- Optimal data capture for effective performance debriefs
Work the way it suits you
Dual operating modes mean that SimPad PLUS features two unique ways to control simulations. Instructors can individually adjust parameters for real-time control or use pre-programmed content to reduce their workload and increase standardisation.
- Manual Mode
- Automatic Mode
Efficient debriefing and evaluation
Use the built-in Log Viewer application for debriefing immediately after a session or incorporate SimView, SimView Mobile, or Session Viewer to utilise video recording alongside the time-stamped event log from your SimPad PLUS and patient monitor to increase the educational impact of debriefing.
Blood Pressure | Pulses |
Lunng Sounds | Heart Sounds |
Bowel Sounds | Vocal Sounds |
ECG | Logging / Scenario Function |
Useful docs about the product
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Product Number:
204-30033 SimPad Plus

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