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Nursing Kelly
Nursing Kelly is a manikin designed for scenario-based training of the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients. This full body adult make manikin is perfect for beginning education for in-hospital healthcare professionals.

Product benefits:
- Educationally effective for training core in-hospital skills, targeting specific skills of hospital care providers.
- Pre-programmed scenarios provide standardized training while customizable scenarios and real time instructor control allows adaptation to meet individual student needs (SimPad version).
- Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario based trainer develops critical thinking by allowing studentsto perform assessments and interventions.
- Durable, rugged and lifelike; made to withstand years of use .
- Flexible manikin platform which allows multiple accessory modules to be added including trauma, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Module and bleeding control in multiple clinical settings.
Product features:
- Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, with simulated lungs and stomach allow the practice of manyprocedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care and suctioning.
- Students can auscultate normal and abnormal heart, breath and bowel sounds using a standard stethoscope. (SimPad version).
- Instructor-controlled blood pressure arm allows for realistic palpation and auscultation. Systolic and diastolic pressures, ausculatory gap, and volume are variable (VS version).
- IV cannulation, medication administration, site care and maintenance are allowed in the antecubital area and the dorsumof the hand, accessing the median, basilic, and cephalic veins.
- Ability to practice medication dose calculations and administration through intramuscular injections at the deltoid, gluteal, ventrogluteal, and thigh sites.
- Realistic male and female urinary catheterization and enema procedures may be performed with fluid return.
- SimPadTM allows for increased functionality including creating, editing, and running of scenarios. Pre-programmed scenarios help educators standardize teaching.
- Wound modules can be added to create realistic scenarios for wound assessment and care.
** SimPadTM unit is required for operation in Simpad Capable Version. Sold Separately. **
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Product Number:
300-05050 Nursing Kelly (Simpad Capable)
200-30033 SimPadTM unit required for operation in above version. Sold Separately. **
300-20050 Nursing Kelly (Non-SimpadCapable)
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300-00250 Pad Assembly Am Ventral Gluteal
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300-00450 Valve/Clamp Set Anal
300-00550 Valve/Clamp Set Urinary
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300-03850 Male Genitalia, Adult
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300-04150 Pad Assembly, Left Forearm IV Pad
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300-01050 Wound Set