- Products >> CPR Manikins>> Baby Anne
Baby Anne™
The Baby Anne manikin was developed to provide effective infant CPR training without compromising realism or quality. The convenient packaging of four Baby Anne manikins makes hands-on practice affordable for every student.

Product benefits::
- Educationally effective by offering all the essential features necessary for learning infant CPR.
- Affordability allows increased hands-on practice.
- Realistic chest compressions and chest rise allow students to learn proper techniques.
- Logistically convenient lightweight and portable 4-pack weighs under 12.1 lb. making Baby Anne easy to transport.
- Practical because it is inexpensive and easy to maintain.
- Durable construction allows unequalled long-term use.
Product features:
- Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch required for mouth-to-nose ventilation.
- Natural obstruction of the airway allows students to learn the important technique of opening the airway.
- Head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust allow students to practice correctly all maneuvers necessary when resuscitating a real patient.
- Realistic chest compliance means students can experience the proper technique required for chest compressions on infants.
- Foreign-body airway obstruction feature allows the release of a foreign-body obstruction to be practiced through back blows and chest-thrust techniques.
- Economical disposable airways for quick and easy clean up.
- Removable and reusable faces for convenient and affordable maintenance.
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Product Number:
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