- Products >> Patient Simulators>> SimMan Essential
SimMan® Essential
A realistic, full-body adult, wireless patient simulator, SimMan Essential offers comprehensive clinical functionality to teach the core skills of airway, breathing, cardiac and circulation management.

Helping improve patient safety
With ‘simplicity of use’ being a core principle of its design, both novice and experienced instructors can now take full advantage of the benefits of simulation.
With a range of Technical and Educational services to ensure simulation programmes are successfully supported from the outset, and a full complement of patient cases and courseware to ease instructor preparation time – SimMan Essential is set to define a new era in simulation training.
Making a difference
Simulation has gathered increasing acceptance over the years as an integral part of healthcare training and a fundamental approach to help improve patient safety. The challenge now for educators is how to make it more accessible to the wider healthcare community, so that the educational benefits can be experienced by both healthcare practitioners and ultimately, the patients they care for. SimMan Essential has been designed to meet this challenge.
In situ and inter-disciplinary team training
Bringing together multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals in their actual workplace to rehearse both common clinical scenarios and emergency critical incidents is a significant development in simulation practice. From an emergency situation in a remote location through the process of definitive care in a hospital, from a war-torn battlefield to a busy hospital ward – SimMan Essential injects a greater realism into scenario based training to further enhance and contextualise learning objectives in preparation for real patient encounters.
Building skills competence
While offering unique training opportunities to improve communication skills and develop effective team performance, SimMan Essential will also help build individual student competence in a number of clinical skills. From basic through to more complex levels of difficulty, skills repetition in simulated practice reduces the potential for error and enhances skills performance when it really matters.
** Visit Simstore® to learn how you can fully optimize your learning experience.
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