- Products >> Obstetric and Neonatal Products >>MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator
MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator
MamaNatalie birthing simulator and her new born baby helps you introduce simulation. User friendly realism of the simulators and engaging role plays will make the learning sessions efficient and unforgettable, for learners and facilitators alike.

Easy to use birthing simulator
MamaNatalie is a birthing simulator that makes it easy to create very compelling simulations of complex or normal birthing scenarios. It is worn by a standardized patient, who takes the role of the mother, and manually controls the training scenario and the following features:
- Bleeding.
- Positioning and delivery of the baby.
- Delivery of placenta.
- Fetal heart sounds.
- Cervix landmark.
- Urine bladder cathetherization.
- Uterine massage.
- Uterine compression.
Postpartum hemorrhage and communication training
MamaNatalie has unique features for communication training and training control of postpartum hemorrhage - the number one cause of maternal death during childbirth.
MamaNatalie gives birth to NeoNatalie
NeoNatalie facilitates effective learning of standard newborn resuscitation measures. It has realistic size and appearance, and also natural weight, feel and touch when filled with lukewarm water.
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