- Products >> ALS Manikins >> Infant Airway Management Trainer
Laerdal® Infant Airway Management Trainer
Realistic practice is the key to developing proficiency in airway management skills. The Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer provides the realistic anatomy of a three-month-old infant for teaching and practicing basic and advanced airway management skills.

Product benefits:
- Realistic representation of human anatomy, tissue, and skin material.
- Allows students to undertake training that is directly transferable to the clinical setting.
- Minimal maintenance and robust design enable costeffective training.
- A base plate mount allows stable practicing conditions and easy transportation.
- The cover prevents dust from coming into contact with the head during storage.
Product features:
- Realistic anatomy of the tongue, oropharynx, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords, and trachea.
- Practicing of oral and nasal intubation.
- Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation can be practiced.
- Practicing use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway).
- Correct tube placement can be checked by practical inflation test.
- Sellick Maneuver can be performed.
- Stomach inflation.
- Realistic tissue simulation.
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Product Number:
250-00250 Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer
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